Replacing lock/dial mechanism on Sentry safe
(too old to reply)
2006-06-16 00:15:49 UTC
I just aquired a new sentry safe. It was discarded because the
lock/dial mechanism is bad. Is has been removed and discarded. Can this
part be purchased and replaced? Is it worth the cost?
2006-06-16 01:50:53 UTC
Post by sofasurfer
I just aquired a new sentry safe. It was discarded because the
lock/dial mechanism is bad. Is has been removed and discarded. Can this
part be purchased and replaced? Is it worth the cost?
the SENTRY brand lock and dial-NO..
I need one myself.. and Sentry dont/wont sell parts..

IF you got one of the bigger models, that have the S&G lock on
it, yes..

2006-06-16 02:35:16 UTC
Post by m***@notanywhere.net
the SENTRY brand lock and dial-NO..
I need one myself.. and Sentry dont/wont sell parts..
If I supply the model# tomorrow can you tell me for sure?
If the lock is not available from Sentry, can a generic be found?
2006-06-16 03:28:07 UTC
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Bob DeWeese, CML, CJS
2006-06-17 01:49:32 UTC
Sentry will not sell parts. Not even to me, and I am an authorized service
provider for them. The only thing they will send me is an entire door,
provided it is a current production model. and that's (AFAIK) only for
warrantee work.

Their logic is... for every safe they sell parts to repair, that's one less
new safe they could sell. It is considered a disposable item.

Some of the newer ones (just some) have an S&G 6730 lock knock-off made by
an off shore company - "Rench". The lock case has the same footprint as an
S&G, but the mounting for the dial ring on the Sentrys with that lock is
completely different from the S&G (or any other standard) dial ring. (Found
that out the hard way on an opening once). I had to drill and tap new holes
for the dial ring mounting screws when I replace the lock with an S&G 6730.
I'm not sure if the dial (spindle) for the Rench lock is interchangeable
with the S&G. Never tried. If so, lock replacement would be fairly easy.
Just reuse the old dial, spindle, and dial ring. If not, it could be a real
pain unless you know what you are doing as far as metal work.

Hope this answers your question.
Bob DeWeese, CML, CJS

Bear Lock & Security Service, Inc - A full service locksmith company
specializing in professional, cost effective solutions to your
Commercial, Residential, Safe, and Automotive Security Problems.

<>< But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;
and all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

One of these days... gonna see the hands that took the nails for me.
One of these days... gonna hold the key to a mansion built for me.
One of these days... gonna walk the streets of gold that were paved for me.
One of these days, I'm gonna see my Jesus face to face.
One of these days.

Post by sofasurfer
I just aquired a new sentry safe. It was discarded because the
lock/dial mechanism is bad. Is has been removed and discarded. Can this
part be purchased and replaced? Is it worth the cost?