Vending Machine Lock wont open
(too old to reply)
2006-04-01 19:07:36 UTC
Hi I recently acquired an older pepsi machine it has a T lock which I
have the key for but for some reason the key wont turn is there
anything I can do or is drilling my only option

2006-04-01 21:25:16 UTC
Post by unknown
Hi I recently acquired an older pepsi machine it has a T lock which I
have the key for but for some reason the key wont turn is there
anything I can do or is drilling my only option
SURE its the right key?
push IN on the handle while trying to turn the key, and maybe
some WD40 into the key way..
this a flat key?
round keys, other problems possible,

2006-04-01 21:36:27 UTC
Post by m***@notanywhere.net
Post by unknown
Hi I recently acquired an older pepsi machine it has a T lock which I
have the key for but for some reason the key wont turn is there
anything I can do or is drilling my only option
SURE its the right key?
push IN on the handle while trying to turn the key, and maybe
some WD40 into the key way..
this a flat key?
round keys, other problems possible,
It is a round key and it seems to be the right key it fits it it just
wont turn I am gonna try some WD40 I was told that the hardened steel
bar thats in the lock
becomes stuck in this particular machine after prolonged use I was
mostly curious as to wear to spray the WD40 like around the lock
itself or into where the key goes or what
2006-04-01 22:01:49 UTC
Post by unknown
It is a round key and it seems to be the right key it fits it it just
wont turn I am gonna try some WD40 I was told that the hardened steel
bar thats in the lock
becomes stuck in this particular machine after prolonged use I was
mostly curious as to wear to spray the WD40 like around the lock
itself or into where the key goes or what
round key is 'common'.. and it CAN BE the wrong key..
has this key ever opened this lock?
lightly spray where the key goes in the round circle but DO push
in on the t handle as you are trying to turn to open..

2006-04-01 22:12:31 UTC
Post by m***@notanywhere.net
Post by unknown
It is a round key and it seems to be the right key it fits it it just
wont turn I am gonna try some WD40 I was told that the hardened steel
bar thats in the lock
becomes stuck in this particular machine after prolonged use I was
mostly curious as to wear to spray the WD40 like around the lock
itself or into where the key goes or what
round key is 'common'.. and it CAN BE the wrong key..
has this key ever opened this lock?
lightly spray where the key goes in the round circle but DO push
in on the t handle as you are trying to turn to open..
I dont know if the key has ever opened it I got the machine from a
second hand store and the key was with it. But the guy from the
store told me that a guy who works with vending machines told him
about the stuck bar thing. So who knows but I thank you for the help
and I will try your suggestions.
Bob DeWeese, CML, CJS
2006-04-02 04:02:21 UTC
If the key isn't turning, there is no "stuck bar"(Whatever bar he may be
refering to.)

If the key isn't turning and WD-40 doesn't help, my bet is it's the wrong

Do you know how the lock works? You insert the key and turn it. The
T-handle will pop out. Then you turn the "T" to unscrew it. The only "bar"
I can imajine the person is talking about, would be the threaded rod that
unscrews. That "bar" has no bearing what so ever on whether or not the key
Post by unknown
Post by m***@notanywhere.net
Post by unknown
It is a round key and it seems to be the right key it fits it it just
wont turn I am gonna try some WD40 I was told that the hardened steel
bar thats in the lock
becomes stuck in this particular machine after prolonged use I was
mostly curious as to wear to spray the WD40 like around the lock
itself or into where the key goes or what
round key is 'common'.. and it CAN BE the wrong key..
has this key ever opened this lock?
lightly spray where the key goes in the round circle but DO push
in on the t handle as you are trying to turn to open..
I dont know if the key has ever opened it I got the machine from a
second hand store and the key was with it. But the guy from the
store told me that a guy who works with vending machines told him
about the stuck bar thing. So who knows but I thank you for the help
and I will try your suggestions.
2006-04-02 04:07:40 UTC
Post by Bob DeWeese, CML, CJS
If the key isn't turning, there is no "stuck bar"(Whatever bar he may be
refering to.)
think a file cabinet lock..
pulls a latch piece down, allowing the T handle to pop out.
Roger Shoaf
2006-04-03 02:37:05 UTC
Since you have a truck or some way of hauling the machine around, just take
it with the key to your local locksmith. WD-40 will not hurt anything but
there could be a bunch of simple problems that a locksmith can diagnose and
solve in short order.
Roger Shoaf

If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, what does this say about the
Post by unknown
Post by m***@notanywhere.net
Post by unknown
It is a round key and it seems to be the right key it fits it it just
wont turn I am gonna try some WD40 I was told that the hardened steel
bar thats in the lock
becomes stuck in this particular machine after prolonged use I was
mostly curious as to wear to spray the WD40 like around the lock
itself or into where the key goes or what
round key is 'common'.. and it CAN BE the wrong key..
has this key ever opened this lock?
lightly spray where the key goes in the round circle but DO push
in on the t handle as you are trying to turn to open..
I dont know if the key has ever opened it I got the machine from a
second hand store and the key was with it. But the guy from the
store told me that a guy who works with vending machines told him
about the stuck bar thing. So who knows but I thank you for the help
and I will try your suggestions.